How to Create a Favicon for Blogger

Favicon? either you heard of it or not, you've certainly seen one before.
favicon, or favorite icon, is small little icon used to identify your blog or site in a browser.

Creating a favicon for Blogger is much easier than what  you are imagining. The key part is creating your unique image or logo and the others steps are easy to follow.

1. Create your image/logo

There are so many image editors like  Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator, Pixlr an more, chose what is good for you, but before you start making a square version of your logo you need to keep the following guidelines in mind:
1. Keep it simple : Less graphical element.
2. Use initial letters , one or two.
3. Make it recognizable : so people can recognize your Blog with your favicon. Make sure to save your logo in .png to have a transparent background.

Here is an example :

2. Convert your image/logo to a favicon:

Now you created your image, it's time to make a favicon
Go to this site : here
Click on Chose File  then chose your logo.
Select Generate only 16 x16 favicon.ico
then Click on : Create Favicon

Now click on : Download the generated favicon

Remember were the favicon is loaded because you will need that in the next step.

3. Add the Favicon into Blogger :

Now the final step is to upload your favicon to your blogger, how? it's simple .
Go to , sing in then go to Layout. 
You find Favicon widget in the top, Select the 'Edit' link.

Use the 'Choose File' button to find the downloaded 'favicon.ico' file you just created in Step 2 and then press 'Save' :

Refresh the page and you are done. The favicon is now added to your Blogger blog.

Remember that you can modify this any time following the same steps. 

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