Were do Vegan get their PROTEIN

Meat-eater : I heard that you are Vegan, but how do you get your protein ?
Vegan : "here we go again ".

A question that most if isn't every vegan had been asked.The obsession of protein make us think that vegan are skinny, they can't do exercises or become athletes, but this is Wrong. Vegan athletes like Molly Cameron,Tim ShieffJames Southwood and more are changing the hole way that we look at vegans.
So, here is the 2 mains points that you need to keep in mind :
First, protein is an essential nutrient for our bodies, but we do not need huge quantities of it. even if you are an athlete.
Second, and this is what this post is for , it’s easy to get what you do need of protein from many vegan sources and here are the most recommended in descending order.

Table 1: Protein Content of Selected Vegan Foods
(gm) (gm/100 cal)

Tempeh 1 cup 31 9.6
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 29 9.6
Seitan 3 ounces 21 17.5
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 18 7.8
Black beans, cooked 1 cup 15 6.7
Kidney beans, cooked 1 cup 15 6.8
Chickpeas, cooked 1 cup 15 5.4
Pinto beans, cooked 1 cup 15 6.3
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 15 6.8
Black-eyed peas, cooked 1 cup 13 6.7
Veggie burger 1 patty 13 18.6
Veggie baked beans 1 cup 12 5.0
Tofu, firm 4 ounces 11 10.6
Tofu, regular 4 ounces 10 10.7
Bagel 1 med. (3.5 oz)10 3.9
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 8 3.7
Peas, cooked 1 cup 8 6.6
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), cooked 1/2 cup 8 15.0
Peanut butter 2 Tbsp 8 4.1
Veggie dog 1 link 8 13.3
Spaghetti, cooked 1 cup 8 3.7
Almonds 1/4 cup 8 3.7
Soy milk, commercial, plain 1 cup 7 7.0
Whole wheat bread 2 slices 7 5.2
Almond butter 2 Tbsp 7 3.4
Soy yogurt, plain 8 ounces 6 4.0
Bulgur, cooked 1 cup 6 3.7
Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup 6 3.3
Cashews 1/4 cup 5 2.7
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 5 13.0
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 4 6.7
Sources: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24, 2011 and manufacturers’ information.
The recommendation for protein for adult male vegans is around 63 grams per day; for adult female vegans it is around 52 grams per day.

As you can see, there are many vegan sources rich with protein and the good news is they are available.
I didn't make made a specific list like : the 10 top sources of protein for vegan or something like that, that because the list vary from one person to another, Athlete or not active, women or man, children, Teenagers or adults, allergic or not ,and also preferences . The point is there are so many sources so you can chose what is good for you as long as it's in the benefit of you health . Here is a very resourceful document to help you chose you own Vegan Diet.

I hope everyone here will stop asking where vegan get their protein. And before you go take a look at those inspiring vegan athletes :

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