ZONDERS | Starting With 106% Profit in 4 Days
With $15 min get 106% profit in 4 days to 9% daily in 45 days

Zonders was registered in Great Britain in 2018 and is an investment project, the activity of which is aimed at making profit by performing commercial transactions on the commodity exchange. The company is represented on the world's largest trading platforms: Chicago Mercantile Exchange, New York Commodity Exchange, International Petroleum Exchange, and London Metal Exchange.
Alongside speculative trading performed through trading in futures, the company also enters into contracts for the supply of raw materials for power, metallurgy, food and auto industries. In particular, we are the largest suppliers of the following groups of raw materials:
* metals, including non-ferrous metals (copper, nickel, aluminum), precious metals *(platinum, silver, gold) and rare-earth metals (lanthanum, scandium, yttrium, etc.);
* hydrocarbons (coal, fuel oil, gas, oil and refined products);
* agricultural production.
Liquidity of these goods is high, but their cost can be subject to sharp rises and downfalls. Such volatility is provided for by various factors, including unpredictable (for example, climatic conditions in cultivation of agricultural products or the political situation in the world that affects the cost of oil).
This makes trading in the commodity market more risky than transactions on the currency or stock exchange, but on the other hand, it is the frequent changes of price that allow experienced traders to generate impressive profits from each successful deal. Learn More...
